Invest in Yourself

We started on an RPG languaged based AS/400 platform. We realized the need to allow Clients to be flexible with technology and we built FORZA on a SQL/Windows Server environment. Now we are developing the next version, API-based/Browser-based technology. How many Core’s have invested in their technology 3 times without acquisition?

Relational Database

No more updating member information in multiple areas on the Core. Update member information in Member Services, rest easy that it is now updated in all other applicable areas.

NO Custom Databases

In the late 90’s we explored custom databases. We found that updating was not consistent and overtime the Clients suffered. So we altered our processes and development to enhance database configurations so there are only positive impacts to our clients. 

Scan & Store

Scan/Upload member images, documents, forms, etc. right into the Core. Save to the members base account, suffix account, or account notes. Data is backed up and is accessible from all branches.

Application Tasks

Place tasks on the Loan Application process to ensure staff is completing the required tasks. Proper use of Tasks will eliminate those sticky notes all over your monitor!

700+ Reports

Reports are important and we build them all the time. With over 700 reports at your fingertips you can print, export, send, etc. using Crystal Reports. 

Receipt Retention

With Paperless Receipts a member receipt is always available (with signature) on the transaction. Also available to the member through ESP Web Banking.

Update Process

“Update Yes/No”, it is that easy. We push updates to you and you choose if you want to update. No media preparation on your part. 

99.999% Up-time

With a 24/7/365 staffed Operations department know that your connection to your data is always available. Whether you are connecting remotely or in-branch.

Data Security

With the latest in data encryption, rest assured your data is secured with the highest priority whether at-rest or in motion.

Technology = Flexibility

We use industry-standard tools and database structure. Whether you are a $1 million credit union or a $1 billion credit union, you have a place at ESP, Inc.


We have Clients that have grown over 300% while on FORZA. Our Core is scalable and encourages growth and flexibility.

Your Partners

We are committed to ensuring that you partner with whoever you want. The “best” is a subjective term and we will not force you to partner with anyone. You have a partner in mind, let us know. 

SQL Structure

SQL Database structure allows us to develop and implement quickly.


You read through all these and now it is time to take action. Contact Us.